Video games
Pico-8 cartridges
Galactica, a (basic) space shooter
Books and research papers
Research papers
Blog posts, talks & presentations
Professional blog posts
- 2020, Security By Design, A Brief Introduction to Rust, Tadaweb
- 2017, Julia, le langage qui les réunifiera tous ?, Dernier Cri
- 2017, Déployer une app Phoenix sur Heroku, sans connaître Phoenix, Dernier Cri
- 2016, Fausses idées sur le big data, Dernier Cri
Talks & Public presentations
- 2018, L’apprentissage automatique, c’est pas automatique (Machine Learning is not magic), TakeOff Talks, Lille (France)
- 2018, Why you should take a look at Rust - an easy introduction to the Rust programming language, FOSDEM, Bruxelles (Belgium)
- 2017, Why you should take a look at Rust, LilleFP Meetup, Lille (France)
- 2016, Why you should take a look at Rust, Dernier Cri, Lille (France)
- 2016, Eco-design of Android applications, Latece team, UQAM (Canada)
- 2016, State of art about energy consumption models, for mobile devices, Emeraude team, IRCICA (France)
- 2015, Software development to study bugs propagation in Java applications, SequeL team, INRIA (France)
- 2015, Serious-game development, based on distributed artificial intelligence, SMAC team, CRIStAL (France)
- 2014, Software developer for the Vidjil project, Bonsai team, LIFL (France)
Personal projects
Please to check my Github account.