Journey into a wild pointer

Conditional compilation and optin dependencies with Rust 'features'

Posted at — Mar 12, 2021

I am a long time Rust user/fan - since 2014 - and I still have some troubles to follow the community in terms of RFCs, or accepted features to be included in an upcoming version of the language. Most of the time, checking for the new features, I have the feeling that I don’t need to use them for my current & past projects… like a purist C / C++ developer who uses the strict minimum of the features to make something great.
And sometimes I am wrong.

I am working on a game engine since a while now - a Wolfenstein3D-like engine, with the goal to run Wolfenstein 3D on it and develop new mods for it “easily”.
I had to postpone the work since a while now and I recently rewrote (almost) everything from scratch after dumb mistakes, as I did not understood how a game engine is working, and more and more difficulties to introduce some new features in the project… like cross-platforms compatibility.
To introduce this feature, we need to make feasible the usage of multiple OS specific low-level libraries (sound, graphics, etc…), which means different API usage, different API implementation, most of the time incompatible with each other… in the same common piece of code.
So, we need an API, or interface, that can communicate with different backends (let’s call them packages), based on the operating system platform - so, chosen before / during the compilation of the engine.

Rust proposes since the beginning some specific features for conditional compilation options (like the cfg attributes), but since the 1.18 they introduced a more powerful feature called features.

The repository that contains the demonstration is available here.

The problem

I have an awesome game called “guess a number”, a textual game written fully in English, and I want to make it accessible for the International: French guys, Spanish, Italian, Greek, etc…
More important, I want this game to be translated by anyone, based on the original English texts only…

So solution to this could be to make my game public, and let people contribute in including their own i18n Rust module, write a menu to let the user choose the language, etc…
But I don’t like this solution is that my game is very small (90 lines of code, including comments and many many blank lines), and I don’t want to compile the game with all the languages into it, or let the user choose the language on runtime.
I want the game to be included with the user’s prefered language only: included at compile time.

This is where Rust features comes in.

A brief introduction

Rust features allows to include, at compile time, packages as optional dependencies, or a set of other features.
And this is perfect for our usage, because I want to propose as many builds as available translations (including English).

To do this, in our example, we need first to declare our different linguistic packages (or features):

version = "0.1.0"
optional = true
default-features = false
path = "english-linguistic-pkg"

version = "0.1.0"
optional = true
default-features = false
path = "french-linguistic-pkg"

english = ["english-linguistic-pkg"]
french = ["french-linguistic-pkg"]

A feature is a dependency - so you need to declare it anyway in the Cargo.toml file, even if you don’t want to use it by default in your final build. Here, we define two different dependencies: english-linguistic-pkg for English, and french-linguistic-pkg for French. We need to declare those as features, in the [features] section.
For simplicity, we create an alias for each of those: english and french, in order to simplify the declaration of which language package to use.
As an example, you could use

cargo build --feature english

instead of

cargo build --features english-linguistic-pkg

Also, I included both dependencies in the game crate. Of course, those packages could be available in a dedicated repository, and fetch directly using an URL…

A benefit of using features is to use configuration conditional check to use the choosen package in the same namespace:

// in
#[cfg(feature = "english")]
pub use english_linguistic_pkg as i18n;
#[cfg(feature = "french")]
pub use french_linguistic_pkg as i18n;

Using configuration conditional checks, i18n is a namespace that can be linked to english_linguistic_pkg or french_linguistic_pkg. This means, obviously, that both english_linguistic_pkg and french_linguistic_pkg must share the exact same contracts.

So, print_message(i18n::SAY_HELLO) can print “hello” if the English package has been selected, or “bonjour” if the French one has been chosen instead.

One namespace to rule them all!

Let’s build!

Ok, it’s time to build our game!

Running cargo build, the panics:

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `i18n`
  --> src/
46 |             print_message(i18n::INVALID_INPUT, None);
   |                           ^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `i18n`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `i18n`
  --> src/
66 |         print_message(i18n::GUESS_A_NUMBER, Some(":"));
   |                       ^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `i18n`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `i18n`
  --> src/
69 |             Ordering::Equal => { print_message(i18n::PREDICTION_WIN, None); break; },
   |                                                ^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `i18n`


i18n has not been found because… we forgot to link the linguistic package we want to build with!

Using the following command, we give the information to cargo that we want to include the English package with:

> cargo build --features english
   Compiling rust-features-example v0.1.0 (/Users/antonin/Devel/rust-features-example)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.69s

Wouhou, it works!

How about the French one?

> cargo build --features french
   Compiling rust-features-example v0.1.0 (/Users/antonin/Devel/rust-features-example)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.67s

The ‘default’ features key

Now, let’s come back to the first error: use of undeclared crate or module i18n.

It is possible to solve this issue setting a default package to use. We can do that configuring the default key to the linguistic package we want to use by default:

default = ["english"]

Let’s try to build the project, without specifying explicitly any package:

cargo build
   Compiling rust-features-example v0.1.0 (/Users/antonin/Devel/rust-features-example)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.29s

Yes! It finally works!
How about the French one now?

error[E0252]: the name `i18n` is defined multiple times
 --> src/
2 | pub use english_linguistic_pkg as i18n;
  |         ------------------------------ previous import of the module `i18n` here
3 | #[cfg(feature = "french")]
4 | pub use french_linguistic_pkg as i18n;
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `i18n` reimported here
  = note: `i18n` must be defined only once in the type namespace of this module
help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
4 | pub use french_linguistic_pkg as other_i18n;
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Outch! This is rude…

Looking at the error message, we understand that both English and French packages may be included in the final build. The solution is simple, as we just have to set to disable the default feature(s):

cargo run --no-default-features --features french

After some thoughts, it comes to my mind that putting English as a default feature is not intuitive, especially if you will have to deal with cargo to build binaries with other linguistic packages…

Advantages and disadvantages

As always in every language, a feature always comes with advantages and disadvantages…

I can notice several advantages here:

  1. no multiple useless packages inside the binary, as used in compile time, which can reduce the binary size,
  2. really easy to plug a new translation: just update the Cargo.toml file, and include a conditional compilation option to use it in the project (in the, or if you are working on a Rust library).

About the disadvantages, the developer has to produce as many binaries as available translations, and that you will have to maintain multiple packages… also, one modification in your English package and you have to ask to all to update their translation packages.

Note: I would say that this feature miss some real examples in the rust doc, and sometimes can be difficult to understand and to use for developers.
